City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


Surrey Excels is the City's strategic framework that guides us in achieving our vision of a thriving, green, inclusive city. Over the next three to five years, the City will be focusing on these six organizational priorities:



A VIBRANT DOWNTOWN Create a downtown core that is recognized as a lower mainland destination for business, tourism and entertainment.

Complete a market analysis and feasibility study by October 2024 to advance the development of a multipurpose sports and entertainment facility in the City Centre. Complete the Cloverdale Town Centre update and Master Plan for the Cloverdale Fairgrounds by Q4 2024 to support the new hospital and revitalize Cloverdale with retail, sport, and entertainment opportunities. Implement the Homelessness Action Plan (2024 – 2028) following endorsement by Council in April 2024. Finalize the Integrated Community Safety and Well-Being Plan with the cross-departmental working group and seek Council endorsement by June, 2024 to allow for full launch in Fall

LIVABLE, EQUITABLE, CONNECTED NEIGHBORHOODS Develop complete, green neighbourhoods with the amenities, services, social infrastructure and transit needed to support a high-quality of life. HOUSING FOR ALL Fast-track quality housing construction with a focus on affordability, higher density, homes near transit and supportive housing. EXCEPTIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY Protect life, well-being, and property through emergency planning, regulatory compliance, community risk reduction and response.

SERVICE EXCELLENCE Consistently exceed expectations in

Complete a truck parking RFEOI by Q1 2024 and anticipated lease and partnering agreements with truck parking operators by Q2 2024.

timeliness, professionalism, quality, and innovation to create positive customer experiences and fiscally responsible services

EMPLOYER OF CHOICE Cultivate an admired culture that attracts, motivates, and retains staff, enabling them to contribute their best in a thriving and safe organization.

Develop a DEI roadmap by Q4 2024 to enhance diversity, equity and inclusion within our workplace.

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Organizational Profile


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