City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


DECISION MAKING GUIDEPOSTS The Community Charter mandates that municipalities develop and report on organizational objectives and the measures used to determine their progress. Council has expanded on the broad set of guideposts used in the past and developed specific measures to support their overall objectives. The following section describes the City’s decision-making guideposts.

5. Providing open and responsive government through public consultation, as required by the Community Charter; 6. Planning for the succession of the City’s workforce by creating a challenging, market-competitive, healthy, and respectful workplace that attracts and retains qualified candidates while reflecting the diverse nature of the City; 7. Fostering co-operative relations with other governments, community organizations, and local businesses; 8. Developing programs, policies, and initiatives that focus on Council’s specific key objectives; and 9. Protecting the City’s long-term financial health by managing the City’s finances while delivering services to the public within the parameters set by Council in the Five-Year Financial Plan.

1. Developing current and long-range plans that foster growth and economic development for Surrey’s culturally-diverse community while preserving the City’s rich environment and quality of life, within the parameters set by Council in the Official Community Plan; 2. Enhancing community and individual well-being by providing Police, Fire, and Bylaw services that protect residents and visitors; 3. Developing and implementing long and short-term Engineering Infrastructure Service Plans that respond to growth and meet the current needs of the City’s citizens and businesses; 4. Planning and delivering Parks, Recreation and Culture programs and Library services that encourage participation from residents and visitors of all ages and backgrounds;

Public Engagement

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Organizational Profile


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