City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


The purpose of the City of Surrey’s Policy Manual is to describe the policies as adopted by Council. It guides each General Manager in the operation of their department and enables staff to make decisions within a common, Council-approved framework. The Policy Manual guides Council members to make their decisions within existing policy and assists them when advising the general public on matters brought to their attention. The Community Charter and the Local Government Act, in conjunction with Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards, form the basis of the City’s Financial Plan and financial policies. These laws and standards drive financial planning calendar dates, specify financial planning controls, and prescribe appropriate methods for financial planning, accounting, and reporting. In addition to Corporate Policies as adopted by Council, there are many corporate procedures and practices that provide guidance and direction to staff. Typically these documents contain more detailed information compared to corporate policies and are also designed to be more fluid in nature, being updated based on organizational needs and workplace changes. The following are some key policies, procedures and practices utilized by the City: KEY POLICIES

INVESTMENT POLICY This policy stipulates that the City of Surrey will invest funds in a manner that provides an optimal blend of investment return and security while meeting daily cash flow demands and complying with the statutory requirements of the Community Charter. The policy states that City funds are to be invested prudently and that the City’s investment practices support the three fundamental objectives of safety, liquidity, and return on investment. EXPENSE POLICY This policy provides guidelines for employees and other authorized individuals with respect to travel and expense reimbursements. It defines approval authorities, per diem allowances, ineligible costs, and claim processing requirements.

RESPECTFUL WORKPLACE POLICY This policy affirms the City’s commitment to providing an environment where Employees, Elected Officials, Volunteers, Customers, Contractors and Visitors are treated with respect and dignity and can contribute to a productive, inclusive and professional atmosphere. CITY GRANTS POLICY This policy specifies that the City will establish ongoing grants from year-to- year, as well as grants for one-time requests. It defines the types of initiatives/organizations that are generally eligible for grants, eligible costs, and official procedures for setting the annual grant budget and processing grant requests, grant appeals, and late grant applications.

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Organizational Profile


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