COS Financial Plan 2018 - 2022



 Integrate CRV process and finalize documentation for consistency and predictability in industry; and  Develop a new City Policy that every contractor working on City roads or statutory rights-of-way must be certified through a safety training program.

 Expand Road Weather Information System (RWIS) achieve City-wide

coverage and initiate data collection to enable predictive snow and ice road condition forecasting. In 2018, install up to seven new RWIS stations throughout the several micro-climates in the City. Use RWIS along with the City’s Automatic Vehicle Location application and GPS to operational effectiveness;  Rapid Pipe Condition Assessment Program: Utilize innovative sewer inspection technology to rapidly assess storm sewer pipe condition and reduce inspection cost by 30% and improve efficiencies with sanitary sewer maintenance programs;  Increase Engineering Operations overall efficiency by 25% in the next 5 years (year 3 of 5);  Become the first city in Canada to achieve zero waste in the next 7 years;  “Right Sizing” Engineering Operations business unit budgets for 2019 budget to be better aligned with previous years’ expenditures and more accurate projections;  Develop infrastructure layers in GIS for primary and secondary water source feeds to pressure zones including knowledge sharing and transfer from experienced staff. Future steps will involve real time system information through smart sensors; ECONOMIC PROSPERITY & LIVELIHOODS

 Implement Surrey Disaster Debris Management Plan to ensure there is operational framework to manage large volumes of debris after an emergency event;  Roll out new Servicing Agreement, Servicing Agreement Extension, Short- Form Servicing Agreement, Short-Form Servicing Agreement Amendment, Servicing Agreement for School District, DCC Front-Ending Agreement and Development Works Agreement;  Publish DCC Front-Ending Agreement and Development Works Agreement manuals;  Continue to work with IT staff to develop Data-Drive Decision Making reporting tools; and  Enhance the Online Development Inquiry webpage beyond current development and building permit files to allow contractors and applicants to view the status and comments of their counter-related permits.

the future lives here.

2018-2022 Financial Plan

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