City of Surrey's 2021 - 2025 Financial Plan


• Increased, through appraisal review, the park dedication contributions to the City by an additional $420,000 over and above the original amounts tendered as part of development applications; Completed 214 appraisal requests representing 695 properties in furtherance of the City’s strategic initiatives to increase civic, social, infrastructure and parkland services; • In support of the land development community and City infrastructure, •

processed and registered 1367 documents at the Land Title Office; and • Successfully finalized a 20-year modernized Municipal Operating Agreement with Fortis BC, which will provide increased collaboration and operational efficiencies between the parties, as well as annual financial savings to the City and assurance of a fair and consistent allocation of utility relocation costs.


• In partnership with Metro Vancouver,

• Committed $28 million in parkland acquisition expenditures, excluding riparian dedications and parklands transferred through the City land development process, resulting in 10 acres of parkland being added to the

commenced construction of the Residential Drop Off (“RDO”) / EcoCentre for solid waste and

recyclables which will provide a one- stop drop off location for residents and small business owners and assist the City to increase it’s waste diversion and reduce illegal dumping; and

City’s inventory for the use and enjoyment of all its residents and visitors.



• Work with the BC Housing to secure two transitional housing sites that that will complete Phase II of the provincial commitment for modular housing as part of the Rapid Response to Homelessness.


• Update the contractor violation process in AMANDA with guidelines to assess the incidents, determine if an incident constitutes a severe or minor violation, and decide the appropriate actions based on the severity of the violation.

City of Surrey | 2021—2025 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Engineering


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