City of Surrey's 2021 - 2025 Financial Plan


• Support the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure in the ongoing replacement of the Pattullo Bridge, including associated road and cycling network upgrades in the Bridgeview area; and • The City’s 2021 Annual Capital Program will invest $90 million in City transportation and utility infrastructure to support growth and development in the City.


• Roll out a new Servicing Agreement to modernize the contract and better define the roles and responsibilities of each party; • Monitor the processing time to prepare engineering comments (between development application referrals and sign-off) and evaluate opportunities for expediting processes; • Expedite the issuance of inspection results and cheques for counter-

As part of the DMAF program, implement the Government of

Canada’s Community Employment Benefits (“CEB”) Initiative to support 20–30% of employment hours carried out by individuals who fall into at least one of the CEB seven target groups, and 50% of purchasing from target enterprise types; and • The City’s 2021 Capital Program will support Surrey’s Economic Action and Recovery Plan from the COVID-19 pandemic by investing $90 million in infrastructure to support growth and development in the City.

related security releases for the sanitary, storm, ditch infill and driveway permits;


• Deliver the ongoing property acquisition requirements for the 2020 Parkland Acquisition Program, as well as acquisitions for Biodiversity Conservation Strategy purposes.

Surrey's Natural Areas Partnership (SNAP)

City of Surrey | 2021—2025 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Engineering


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