NAGRA, Mandeep
nagra_m @ hotmail.com
Mandeep Nagra has extensive business experience which includes building the family’s growing chain of Fraserview Meat stores. Surrey is where Nagra and his wife are raising their family. Mandeep is running with the Safe Surrey Coalition because he’s worried about the direction Surrey is headed under the current council. Nagra isn’t satisfied with the current government policies. They’ve failed to keep this
city safe and violence free. Too many youngsters are getting involved in drugs and gangs. The current police structure hasn’t kept kids safe. Mandeep is a strong supporter of a local community police force. Police officers who live here and work here will be better able to understand the issues. They’ll also be motivated to address them. Nagra wants more investment put into expanding SkyTrain. Light Rail Transit (LRT) is slow moving and causes traffic congestion. It doesn’t make any sense. Traffic on our streets is already bad enough.
NASTOH, Nasima
nnastoh @ hotmail.com
I am running for Surrey city council because I have lived in Surrey for 26 years and I believe in what Surrey represents. I came as a refugee to Canada 33 years ago following the Russians invasion of Afghanistan. The journey was difficult. Having been an immigrant, I know the difficuties immigrants face to integrate into a new society. I have talked with many residents and I have heard what people said. Among
the key issues were public safty, public Transportation, and housing affordability. I believe strongly that politics should be about people and elected officials should advocate for issues that impact the residents of the community. Usually those with the loudest voices gain attention. It is time to listen to all voices. No voice is a small voice. If elected, I will provide community leadership by listening, by being open and transparent, and by being inclusive and responsive.
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