
Voter Information4
Am I eligible to vote?4
What ID should I bring to vote?4
Who am I voting for?5
Can I get help with voting?5
What if I am out of town or unable to attend a voting location?6
I am a Surrey property owner, but don’t live in Surrey. Can I vote?7
When and where can I vote?9
Advance Voting Opportunities9
All Voting Locations10
Your Election Candidates12
Office of Mayor12
Office of Councillor12
Office of School Trustee14
Mayoral Candidate Profiles16
Gill, Tom16
Greaves, Pauline16
Hayne, Bruce17
Jayaprakash, Rajesh17
McCallum, Doug18
Nantel, François18
Popat, Imtiaz19
Wolanski, John19
Councillor Candidate Profiles20
Agnihotri, Neera20
Annis, Linda20
Aujla, Saira21
Besla, Kashmir21
Bhupal, Tanvir S.22
Calderwood, Brian22
Cassells, Roslyn23
Dela Cruz, Narima23
Dhaliwal, Avi24
Elford, Doug24
Foster, Maria25
Galanto, Neneng25
Gibeau, John26
Gill, Rina26
Goel, Parshotam27
Guerra, Laurie27
Halford, Trevor28
Hillsdon, Paul28
Hundial, Jack Singh29
Kamran, Afshan29
Kongyuy, Felix30
Krishnan, Murali30
LeFranc, Vera31
Loberg, Nicholas31
Locke, Brenda32
MacGillivray, Adam32
Nagra, Mandeep33
Nastoh, Nasima33
Parker, Stuart34
Patton, Allison34
Pelia, Kuldip35
Pettigrew, Steven35
Rajan, Thampy36
Rana, Bableen36
Rasode, Major Singh37
Rusan, Paul37
Sheppard, Bernie38
Smith, Forrest38
Starchuk, Mike39
Steele, Barbara39
Syed, Asad40
Tatlay, Upkar40
Thomas, Raminder41
Welters, Deanna41
Woods, Dave42
Yu, Yanni42
Zabel, Derek43
Zhou, Becky43
School Trustee Candidate Profiles44
Alexis, Lisa44
Allen, Terry44
Andhi, Sonia45
Atwal, Balraj45
Badesha, Jasvinder Singh46
Dalglish, Cindy46
Dhillon, Sukhy47
Diaz, Rina47
Dobie, Charlene48
Goyal, Kapil48
Hepner, Gordon49
Hilmer, Martin49
Holmes, Bob50
Lageri, Aronjit50
Larsen, Laurie51
McGee, Dean51
Narwal, Jasbir52
Ng, Diana52
Patsicakis, Niovi53
Poole, Julia53
Saran, Dupinder Kaur54
Smith-Weston, Amanda55
Thind, Garry55
Tymoschuk, Gary56
Waddington, Mary-Em56
Wilson, Shawn57
Yu, Adele57
Wait Time Map58
8 Easy Steps to Voting59

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