School Trustee Candidate Profiles
BADESHA, Jasvinder Singh
badeshajs @ hotmail.com
I am an entrepreneur and A Surrey resident for the last 22 years, I have been an active member of the community for the last 24 years. I Have volunteered at PAC. I served on different executive positions in non profit/charitable organizations and I am currently serving as a board member for a non-profit organization. I have a bachelor degree in Electronics Engineering. I believe that We must engage with
all stakeholders to tackle the problems of shortage of funding, too many portables, bullying & drugs issues in our schools and safety of our children. The City is growing rapidly and the needs of the society must be addressed. Issues such as class sizes, more new schools, well trained teachers and counsellors and ensuring a safe healthy learning environment.I will work hard to maintain high standard of education in the City of Surrey Schools.
surreystudentsnow.com cdalglish @ shaw.ca @ VoteSSN2018 SurreyStudentsNOW
Surrey, I commit to you, my continued and relentless advocacy for the students in our Surrey schools. Communication is key to good governance. I have established relationships with families, educators, staff,
community leaders, and all levels of government. It’s time to listen to all stakeholders to ensure all students get what they need; we need student-centered decision making to be a focus. As an educator in post-secondary, I know the importance of a great educational foundation. As an engaged community member, I hear the concerns and I know the risks to our children if we continue down this same path. We need change that will ensure students feel safe and supported in our schools and classrooms. We need new voices on our School Board. Voices that will strongly advocate for change. It’s time to show our children they matter. For School Trustee, vote Cindy Dalglish of Surrey Students NOW .
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