YMCA Children (6-12 years)
Book your child’s next birthday party at the Y. Lots of fun themes.
YMCA Programs for Children (6-12 years) Did you know that 93% of kids are not getting the daily recommended amount of physical activity? The Y is there to help you give your kids a chance to be active and learn healthy habits—and have a ton of fun at the same time. Every YMCA activity program is child-centered, developing your child’s skills, imagination and relationships while promoting positive values. YMCA memberships include programs for kids and adults at the best times of day
Join programs like: • Pro-D day camps • Swim lessons
• MultiSports • Active Brains • Creative Play • YMCA/Steve Nash Basketball League • Martial arts—Karate, Aikido and Tae Kwon Do
Find out more
Looking for our child program listings? Go to tonglouieymca.ca or pop by to pick up your on-site activity guides. We have just the program for your child.
Everyone can belong Let’s face it, sometimes life makes it hard to pursue a healthy lifestyle. That’s why the YMCA Access Program offers financial assistance for individuals and families who face barriers to joining our programs. After all, nothing should stand in the way of pursuing a healthy life.
We’d love to see you! Come visit us at: Tong Louie Family YMCA 14988 57 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3S 7S6 T: 604-575-9622
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