YMCA Youth
Join a YMCA leadership program
YMCA Programs for Youth Studies show that today’s youth feel alone. The Y believes it doesn’t have to be this way. That’s why we are committed to keeping youth engaged and active with opportunities to participate, learn, grow and lead. YMCA youth programs encourage young people to build a network of friends, develop leadership skills, be inclusive and develop a sense of responsibility to their community and to one another. From volunteer opportunities to a variety of leadership programs, we have something for everyone.
Looking for our youth program listings? Go to tonglouieymca.ca or pop by to pick up your on-site activity guides. We have just the program for you. Find out more Join programs like: • YMCA Youth Leadership Development • YMCA/Steve Nash Basketball League • Aquatic leadership—lifeguard and swim instructor training • Fitness programs • Leadership Day Camp • Youth nights
We’d love to see you! Come visit us at: Tong Louie Family YMCA 14988 57 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3S 7S6 T: 604-575-9622 Everyone can belong Let’s face it, sometimes life makes it hard to pursue a healthy lifestyle. That’s why the YMCA Access Program offers financial assistance for individuals and families who face barriers to joining our programs. After all, nothing should stand in the way of pursuing a healthy life. YMCA Youth Leadership Development YLD is a safe, fun, comfortable environment where you can build self-esteem, lifelong friendships and develop strong leadership skills. Plus, you’ll meet new people and have fun.
108 FALL 2016 WWW.SURREY.CA/RECREATION 604.501.5100
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