

Parks & Environment

Drop- in

CHECK OUT OUR PARKS surrey.ca/parks


Get outdoors and enjoy nature in a Surrey park this fall.

Connect with nature and help care for your local parks as a volunteer! Learn more about volunteering with us at surrey.ca/volunteer .


NEW & IMPROVED We are continually working to ensure our parks and trails are well-designed and maintained to meet the needs of our growing community. This includes the creation of new parks, as well as the improvement of existing parks. Check out one of these recently opened or improved parks this fall: UNWIN PARK DOG OFF-LEASH AREA 13313 68 Avenue Let Fido run loose in this new temporary dog-off leash area in Newton. Completed in August 2022, this fully fenced area is shared for dogs of different sizes.


Surrey has over 800 parks for you to enjoy. Volunteer to help keep them clean, beautiful and safe for everyone. surrey.ca/parkprograms partnersinparks@surrey.ca Garden Work Parties Join our head gardeners and help care and maintain Darts Hill Garden Park (all ages) and the Glades Woodland Garden (15 years and older). Everyone is welcome to participate. No experience is required. Tools and training provided. Park Cleanups Make an impact and gain volunteer hours during a Park Cleanup! All ages welcome. Tools and training provided. Bear Creek Lights Volunteer Event Assistant (Ages 16+) Applications close September 29, 2023 Volunteer as an event assistant at this year’s Bear Creek Lights event! Develop confidence and leadership skills as you help behind the scenes, facilitate activities, and guide guests through the light displays.

Surrey’s urban forest has over 110,000 shade trees and 4,200 acres of natural areas. Volunteer to care for it by removing invasive plants, planting trees, and more. surrey.ca/parkprograms stewardship@surrey.ca | 604-598-5774 Nature Work Parties All ages Get your hands dirty removing invasive plants to help restore and enhance Surrey parks! Meet new people, earn volunteer hours and give back to your community. Tools and training provided. Open to drop-in participants. SurreyYouth Stewardship Squad (SYSS) 13–18yrs Are you a high school-aged youth looking for volunteer experience in nature? Join our Stewardship Squad in caring for Surrey’s urban forest! Plant trees and shrubs, remove invasive plants, contribute to citizen science, and more.


Opened in January, this park is an ecological sanctuary composed of a variety of healthy habitats for native plants and animals. Carefully designed access to the Biodiversity Preserve provides opportunities for you to get outdoors and connect with nature.To protect the sensitive environment, no dogs (on or off leash) are permitted.

HELP KEEP YOUR PARKS CLEAN & BEAUTIFUL When you visit a Surrey park, make sure you pack out all of your waste. This includes food wrappers, scraps, and packaging, including take-out containers and pizza boxes. MAKE SURE TO PACK IT IN, PACK IT OUT!

Planting for Pollinators Pollinators are vital to

maintaining healthy ecosystems. Join the community in planting pollinator habitat in parks throughout Surrey. surrey.ca/parkprograms partnersinparks@surrey.ca

94 FALL 2023  SURREY.CA/REGISTER  604-501-5100

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