Surrey Police Consultation Data
I want the police in surrey to be fully train like a police in Saudi Arabia Bec the people here are not Canadian They don't speak English so they should put more signs for the people in English language and outreach programs on every community xx
I want to be able to speak to local police that know local issues and community issues.
I want to keep rcmp and increase their numbers. The majority did not vote for this. I want to keep the RCMP. I do not want a Surrey Police Force. I do not want my taxes to increase. I want better roads, not canals. I want to know how much this is going to cost. The way this is being handled leaves a bad taste in my mouth-way too secretive. IMO the mayor has had a personal issue with the RCMP in the past, he's determined to get back at them.
I want to see gun control in Surrey in the current situation gang and gun crime needs to stop
I was a resident in Surrey for 40 years and I moved to delta. I am very happy with delta police they have a very quick response time and are very friendly.
I will not endorse McCallum as I definitely feel that he does not have a mandate on this issue
I would like to know how The Mayor intends to pay for the transition from The RCMP to a Municipal Police Force. We do have a contract with The RCMP. We already pay enough. Change the laws at the Gov't level so RCMP can be effective.
I would like to see more police officers in fleetwood.
I would like to see Surrey police in place as soon as possible
I would like to see the school resource officer and youth programs the RCMP have in place stay.
I would like to stay with RCMP instead of having a municipal force as I think they are doing a good job with the amount of staff they have,maybe increase their officers.
I would prefer to keep the RCMP. Going to a new municipal force will not decrease crime. I don't want my taxes to rise to pay for a new municipal police force.
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