Surrey Police Consultation Data
I would prefer we stick to RCMP.
identify and put a prioritize the problems. Will it cost more than RCMP budget? Is it worth it
If Surrey proceeds with establishing its own Police Department, I feel a neighborhood liason is vital, and should continue the terrific rapport our current Police have built...e.g. Blockwatch, Neighborhood Watch programs, etc. If the current arrangement can be adjusted to meet Surrey's needs, at a more cost effective manner, with increased autonomy for leadership in Surrey, with an increased RCMP presence (ie. More officers) - that is a preferred option. If the idea is to have a police force that represents and is accountable to the Surrey community, why is the public "consultation" coming after the council's decision, report creation and submission to the province? If the RCMP is successful at bullying Surrey and not allowing a municipal force, Surrey should get a second tier force of community safety officers that are focused on community issues and slowly transition RCMP out by ceasing new funds. If this indeed the way to go. RCMP is established and does a great job. If you use Abbotsford as a model who have their own police, the gang problem there is no better and maybe worse than Surrey. I believe the RCMP is doing a good job and moving to a local police force will have no effect on crime and raise my taxes.
If you’re going to do it, it has to be done right. From what I have seen, the budget is not ready.
Ignore the anti transition rhetoric and establish the Surrey PD.
I'm more afraid of corruption occurring in a city police force (see Vancouver). I live in Whalley (West Village) and have always found the RCMP to be responsive and professional. Don't waste taxpayer dollars on this - build Skytrain. Respect our RCMP Immediate response to observed and reported suspicious activities. Police should work to protect youth means our futur.
Important for Surrey to have its police force. We can have faster response times.
Important is to take action for gang violence, drug trafficking.
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