Surrey Police Consultation Data
Keep the RCMP until you hold a referendum
Keep the RCMP with more funding even if it means more taxes.Local Police is a very bad idea.We did not vote for it.13% is NOT a majority by any calculations.
Keep the RCMP! The idea of switching to a Municipal police force is complete nonsense, misguided and a huge waste of Taxpayer money! If you have additional funds for policing, add it to the current budget for the RCMP! Stop wasting tax dollars. KEEP THE RCMP! IF THIS CITY COUNCIL WAS REALLY ABOUT PUBLIC SAFETY THEY WOULD PUT SOME MONEY TOWARDS INCREASING OUR RCMP WE HAVE.. The new Council instead cancelled the extea help..uhelp..unsafe Council. We vote you out asap.
Keep the RCMP! Issues are the same across the Lower Mainland. We don’t need another tax increase.
Keep the RCMP! They are connected Canada wide, and can solve more issues more effectively. Plus there’s more members to pull from, and the RCMP costs way less money than setting up a city force.
Keep the RCMP!!! KEEP the RCMP!!!! Keep the RCMP.
Keep the RCMP.
Keep the RCMP.
Keep the RCMP.
Keep the RCMP. They are doing an excellent job despite not being funded properly by the City. Fund them adequately so that the can meet the growing city. They bring superior training and expertise at a lesser cost. Keep them.
KEEP THE RCMP. If you are willing to increase the police budget, just hire more RCMP. At least then we keep access to ERT, bomb squad, IHIT, not to mention the various police databases (CPIC, AFIS)
Keep the RCMP. It's more cost effective and they are doing a fine job. Changing a uniform won't change how a city is policed.
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