Surrey Police Consultation Data
Keep the RCMP. The cost to change is prohibitive and not being shared. The mayor is trying to play a game of sleight of hand not sharing the true cost. It’s a vanity project for a mayor. S. 22(1)
Keep the RCMP. The mayor has made numerous non factual statement. Vancouver collects 1.5 billion in tax revenue and spends 385 million on policing. The Surrey police will increases property taxes by a significant amount. Does not make sense Keep the rcmp. The problem isn’t what type of police force you have, it’s the fact that community doesn’t support them. They can’t do their jobs without the help and support of the community. This whole “get a new police force” thing is such a waste.
Keep the RCMP. They are doing a great job. This is a personal vendetta by Mayor McCallum. The costs to change will be extreme and needless. Time and money focused on this should be placed elsewhere.
Keep the RCMP. They are understaffed. Whether you bring in 400 city or RCMP members ,until then there will not be a difference in policing. Our taxes WILL go sky with a City force. Cities will always have crime regardless, just need the boots . Keep the RCMP. This is a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars. The RCMP is not the cause of our crime problems. We need a public referendum before this mayor wastes our time and money. The RCMP is doing a great job, they need the citys support Keep the streets clean! The city of Surrey is a crime infested wasteland. Property criminals victimize neighbourhoods with impunity, residents are helpless. The ones that do get caught never get put away and are back out the next day doing it again.
Keep the Surrey RCMP. Create a Surrey Police Board to oversee the work of the Surrey RCMP.
Keep The RCMP⁰
Keeping the policing costs down and not affect property taxes exponentially with a new police force. The status quo (RCMP) is fine.
Learning from mistakes from other police groups, RCMP and municipalities .
Leave the RCMP. Changing to a Municiple Force is going to accomplish nothing other than increase costs. I am sure that dealing with Ottawa is a complete headache, however it's a small inconvenience compared to going to a VERY expensive Muni model.
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