Surrey Police Consultation Data
That you not waste my tax dollars doing it. Use that money to invest in social programs to prevent crime. That you should not make a private department. The RCMP is just FINE! They are slowly hiring more and more officers. We DO NOT need or want a police department that will have no effect on public safety. The additional monies which will be needed to establish a Surrey Police force would be much better spent in hiring more RCMP. Any thoughts that having our own force would be less expensive that the current one we have is asinine.
The amount of money this change is going. If the force was increased, problem solved!!!
The balance between cost and control. I have a hard time believing that taxes will not go up if a Surrey police force if created. The number of officer would have to increase as well as the salaries for those police officer. Good luck.
The biggest issue is drugs. Get rid of the drugs and the other crimes will slowly disappear
The biggest problems in Surrey are gang, gang violence, and drugs so the city should focus on that. The bottom line for me is HOW MUCH IS THIS GOING TO COST ME. Our current RCMP serves the citizens just fine but there could be more officers on the ground which for years have been underfunded. The citizens should be able to see the full Policing proposal report that was sent to the Provincial government. Then be followed by a referendum. The city needs to stop going towards a city police.
The city needs to tell us what the police-population ratio will be. How much this will cost. There should have been a referendum on this along with the municipal election.
The City of Surrey needs to consult with the citizens of Surrey in an open and transparent manner and firstly gain a mandate from the citizens to pursue such a drastic change. The business plan/budget/case needs to be communicated with citizens. The City requires enough police officers in every area of the City to keep the residents safe and deal with crime in a timely matter. The City should consider 1) the RCMP has proven to be an excellent police force for Surrey . 2) In the name of open and honest government " The Plan " must be made public . 3) Surrey property owners CAN NOT afford a hugh increase in Property Tax. The city should keep the RCMP.
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