Surrey Police Consultation Data
The city should prioritize expanding financial and human resources of the police force to accommodate the policing needs of the rapidly increasing population. Also, focus on preventing racism and extremism while protecting privacy and human rights.
The city should provide residents with the plan/costs/benefits of doing this. I would like to know why and how a Surrey police force will be more effective, at the same cost, as the RCMP.
The city should let the residents vote on it. the cost , and give the residents a vote on it
The cost and benifits need to be balanced. Policing is policing. Does not matter what the badge says
The cost and the utter STUPIDITY of the idea! Consider giving your collective heads a shake. As a taxpayer, I am absolutely OPPOSED to this idea. It will make no difference to public safety and is a HUGE WASTE OF MONEY and energy. The cost as apposed to the RCMP The cost of converting to Surrey PD needs to be realistically communicated. The assertion that it will only cost 10% more is a lie. A more realistic figure is an increase in costs of about 60-70%. The Mayor’s agenda isn’t transparent. The cost of policing is the biggest budget item and this has been done without the public. The 10% the mayor is suggesting is wrong and misleading. I would need to see the cost benefit/reward to moving to a more costly service! The cost of policing should not come at the expense of other community services. There needs to be a public disclosure of the anticipated costs of a Surrey Police force before a decision to end the RCMP contract is made. THE COST OF THIS IMPENDING CHANGE FROM RCMP TO SURREY POLICE. I REGRET VOTING FOR MCCALLUM. THE COST OF THIS IMPLEMENTATION KEEPS RISING. COST IS CRITICAL AND SHOULD BE VOTED ON BY CITIZENS REMEMBER YOU SERVE THE PEOPLE OF SURREY, NOT YOURSELF. The cost of transition - there must be a referendum for the tax payers. The cost to taxpayers The cost to the taxpayer of moving to a municipal force. Every force in metro Vancouver pays their officers substantially more than the RCMP. Therefore a workforce of the same size will cost more- not once but every year.
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