Surrey Police Consultation Data
The cost!! The RCMP are doing a fabulous job, they just don't have enough boots on the ground. Why start everything from scratch?? Will be very expensive! Plus the new force won't be experienced. The cost. Properly staff the RCMP and the same outcome can be achieved at a much lower cost to taxpayers.
The cost. I think it is going to be prohibitive and I don't like the way Doug McCallum is shoving it down our throats. It should go to a referendum without a doubt.
The cost. You’re taking or not building important public amenities for a police transition. Those amenities are needed more than a police transition. You are failing at recognizing that. You are failing at adequately consulting your residents. The cost: It makes no sense to create a new police force to provide all the services that everybody thinks they need or want without funding to achieve that purpose. Put that money into increasing manpower and services using the existing police. The costs , no increase to tax payers so the Mayor can say I have a civic force. This will be more than a 10 % increase. Therefore the Mayor missed the mark call a referendum. He does not have a mandate. Typical of Mcallum’ s bully style The costs will be outrageous changing from RCMP to Surrey Police and things won't change but probably get worse. The crux of the problem for years, is a lack of staff resources. A lot more officers are needed to properly enforce the law and support public safety. While crime is a problem, the biggest threat to my wellbeing is the way people drive around here. The currant police force is doing a great service for the city of Surrey. It has to be decided by the City of Surrey that the police members cannot be res;ponsible for youth rehabilitation, playground supervision, the actions of the court prosecutors The current force does all of these things quite well. Also your questions are leading. You can enforce laws and be proactive. Issue the mayor has is he wants a force he can order around to NOT enforce certain laws. The department needs to get back to a community policing led strategy where the objective is to reduce crime with the "no call too small" way of policing. Delta has been very successful based on that philosophy and the City needs to gain the trust. The crime reduction will not happen by the police service changing the uniform, there are more issues and I think to taxpayers it is a complete disaster what the mayor is doing. S. 22(1)
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