Surrey Police Consultation Data
The diverse background of people who live in the community and the people that influence these groups.
The entire idea of replacing the RCMP is misguided and foolish. I do not believe we will get better policing or save money, the ostensible reasons for doing this.
The establishment of a local police force should not entail a significant cost increase to Surrey citizens nor a decrease in positive community initiatives which also help youth remain proactively engaged, such as community centres and programs. The expense of transitioning. Is this the best use of taxpayer funds? These funds could be better utilized providing training and creating task forces for the current RCMP to address the current criminal/social concerns. The extra cost compared to upgrading rcmp The huge cost increase of this is the most important for the city to consider. This should not proceed further until costs are known and a referendum is held. Release the report to Surrey taxpayers that was sent to government The knowledge from and recommendations of the true experts on crime, criminals, policing, and victimization: criminologists. Police officers (other than those who have taken the time to learn of objective, scientific info. re those topics) are NOT ex The massive cost overruns that this will entail, a police force is not thrown together over night, rather proper planning and major professional in site on successful crime prevention models should be consulted The massive cost to the tax payers The mayor is the most concerning issue as we move forward as I didn't vote for him however he believes that his agenda is my agenda AND he believes that "public consultation was done during his election campaign". should be open and transparent. This is Surrey's police force, not the mayor's police force. Our input on colours of vehicles is not public consultation. We, as voters and citizens should be respected. THE MONEY IT WOULD COST US TO CHANGE. DO NOT DO IT. "LISTEN" TO ALL THE CITIZENS. NOT JUST THE ONES WHO VOTED FOR MCCALLUM. THE RCMP ARE DOING A FINE JOB. LEAVE THEM TO DO THEIR JOBS S. 22(1) The Mayor The input of residents. Residents should be involved in all levels of the process, should be provided all information and given an opportunity to make an informed decision.
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